Sunday, May 25, 2008

~a very special day~

thanks to all of your prayers, Ryan has returned to his normal self.the last time he had fever was on friday night. a peculiar fever that started only when he was asleep. prior to that, he was running around, playing with the guests we had that night. it was a shock and a scare when i read 41.5 degrees. thinking that the device was faulty, my dear colleagues advised me to take my temp. i ended up taking everyone else's temp and ryan's again. only ryan's was exceptionally high.

bobo said to sponge him down and so i did. checked another hour later, thank god it reduced to 38 degrees.

on saturday morning there was no more fever. :)

until today.

it's really worrying you know. anyway, bobo and i thought ryan must be bored for he had not been out in 'fresh' air since he was hospitalised. and that was 2 weeks ago.

so, in the end, we did not waste the tickets to the S'pore Flyer. oh no, we didn't get it for free. we're not VIPs mah...we only got it at half the price. :)

thanks to PUB, we managed to experience the 'flight'. and that would be the first and the last time we'd pay for it. :p

honestly, the capsule is big and it could accomodate more than i had expected. otherwise, i have no further comments.





a trip down to Tong Seng for a very family birthday dinner.  : D

and another bonding session at the comfort of my own home, for cake-cutting.


i thank God for the existence of these special people in my life.




  1. Glad to hear the hero dah sihat... Untungnya dapat the tixs for half price....!!!!

  2. saturday best, kan??

    let's do it again, hot momma!!

  3. Yes!! n dis time round kk lynn bawak vampire lompat2! paham? paham tak??

  4. apa sey vampire lompat2??
    ri tak paham ah, kak lyn!!

    and kak lyn, i have your "vampire" photo tau. the one futra took at kyn's home. nak tengok? :P

  5. wow !! uve bn up there already.. best nye !!

    glad that ryan is better now.. he will be a strong & hensem boy when he grows up


  6. alar ri... kn kyn sibuk nk tengok citer antu lompat2.

    oh pleasssseee.... not tt photo tt our futra took!
    jgn ri!! kk lyn pon takut! LOL!!!

  7. duwi and filah, pun tak best sgt's the company i was with. the kids punye excitement yg buat best. :) btw, u both have been very, very nice...really. i'm very touched. :) would luv to meet u both. ;) we'll plan a date ok?

    kak lyn n sri,
    hohoho!!! i tak sabar nak tgk vampire lompat2!!! sri, baik2.....pat carpark tamp ada byk yg lompat2! hee hee!!! ( last i pun takut sendiri)
    "calling all vampire lompat2 fans, movie screening at toa payoh lorong hehe"

  8. eh... :)
    i saw this lah -

    “calling all vampire lompat2 fans, movie screening at toa payoh lorong 2…date…TBA. hehe”
    best nyer.. hehee :P
