Monday, May 7, 2012

Real kids

Real kids whine,cry,scream,mess up the playroom,mess up the living room,mess up the kitchen and wet the dry area of the bathroom. Until you intervene as a supernanny or hulk.

Real kids don't give a damn when you say 'no' nicely with a logical reason to that 'no'. Because minutes later, (if u're unlucky,seconds later) they'll ask the same question again and again until you scream 'NO!'. By then,your neck looks like hulk's and your eyes are in comparison to superman's when he wants to use his laser powers.

Real kids have no doubts about having fun. Why bother creating fun for them when all they need is space. Just space. Be sure you have your ear plugs on once you have given them THE space and you've gotta be near to 'supervise'. (Don't do injustice to yourself-pls read,call a friend,or better still,play your iPhone/iPad/Tab games. After all,when there's no space,real kids will conquer your gadgets.)

Real kids don't say I love you without much needed practice or much needed reminders. I am guilty of doing so. I remind my kids to say I love you every night before bed. Still,they forget sometimes. They say that to their favourite toys/books/cartoons/friends though. So,kudos to me in the success of connecting that feeling of affirmation to something they like,though it may not be me,for now I hope.

Real kids don't care about healthy living let alone healthy foods. Don't tell them to eat the veges so they'll be healthy. Why not tell them "Mummy didn't eat veges when I was your age too. But I made sure I ate them or else I won't get to play 'rounders' using badminton racquets at the void deck." or "It's ok. When you're older and you know you need greens to look and feel beautiful, you'll eat a whole tree if you can." Guess the kids will get the drift and start eating those greens? Thank God if they don't. Otherwise, please don't think that your kids are normal.
Real kids don't look forward to school for school. They only look forward to being with friends in school. So,life IS fair wanna be away from their parents for a while in the day too!

Real kids don't care when the other sibling is ill. "Kakak can stay home and rest. We can go Explorer Kids!" But a real mom would feel,"Damn,not another round of the dreadful virus! And yeah,guilty for making 3 kids stay home on a school holiday while 1 is ill. But,what the heck!! All will stay home!"

Real kids,real mom.

Who needs cable?


Enjoy this one day school holiday,kids!

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