Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"I saw the Sign"

There is no better way than to spend the holidays relaxing and spending your family time on a beach or on a trip to your most dream about destination, isn't it?

But I have the best way.

Less spending $$$ and more quality time with the children. Afterall, school holidays are about them.
What am I saying?!
EVERYDAY is about them.

So what is the best way, you say?

Disclaimer: This entry is purely blogged for the sanity of a mom who has not had a single me time since the holidays started. Any living thing or incidents mentioned in this entry is purely coincidental. The purpose of this entry is also  to suck ALL of the negativity and disappointment that we can't travel this holidays for the many things to pay for this month. While many families are at beautiful places out of the country, I still have to keep a smile for the very hardworking husband who is the sole breadwinner and pretend that we're ok with no vacation for more than a year. Sesungguhnya Syurga ditapak kaki suami kan? ;p

So, since it's the holidays, it's also the time when kids are more relaxed and are willing to participate in whatever activities you suggest and easy for us, parents, to follow up on them.

I am making it a point to get the kids to:

1. Help set the table for every meal.
    The eldest, Marsya, turned 6 recently and going on to Primary 1 in 2012. What better time to train her to
    be independent right? Since the eldest enjoys doing it, Ryan and Eli were curious and started helping out
    too. Keisya, often takes out ALL the bowls and sets them on the floor. Credits for trying hard and thank
    God for the reliable helper, Desi. :)
    Classic case of 'Monkey See, Monkey Do'. ;p

2. Help clean the table after every meal.
    They're more interested in doing this and very often bring in the dishes even when some of us are still
    eating. And with mouths full, sometimes, some of us will scream, "Eh!! I still want the chicken laa!!!"
    This one, I say, classic case of 'Never check blindspot'.
3. Make their own bed. (Sometimes make mine. Heheh)
    Still a feat actually. But thank goodness they're more automatic the past few days.
    And I sometimes forget to remind them to. Heh. My bad.  *********REMINDER***********
    But they make mine only when they have spent time playing 'nap' on my bed for a full hour but none of
    them actually takes a real nap. It happened today too. (dunno what sign to show. a senget smile and
    shakes head.)
    Classic case of 'Don't Play Play but play'.

4. Throw/put away toys they don't often play with.
    This has got to be the most difficult.
    EVERY toy seems to be useful.
    EVERY broken toy seems to still
    be 'playable'.
    And EVERY *toot* toy seems to be their favourite. And then there'll be cries and wails
    and 'batu ronsen'.
    "NO! That's my favourite toy!"
    "Mummy! She bluff! She never play with that doll one! She always play with the bogel doll!!"
     "No!! I still play with that!"
     "But it's broken!"
     "Yar, don't play with the legs lah. I play fight-fight with the hands only."
     Classic case of 'Karanguni'.
5. Take turns to be 'supervisor' everytime there's cleaning up to be done. 
    Every child loves being a leader.  Sense of pride overwhelms them when they're made 'supervisor of
    the day'.
    "Mummy, just now right, Kakak never cebok properly."
    "Huh?! How do you know?"
     "Because I never hear the water."
     Kakak interrupted- "I close the door what! How can you hear?! Mummy, I cebok already! Really!!
     Ryan yang always tak cebok!"
    "I gooooottt."
     "NO! He cebok like this only. (makes action of spraying water on imaginary penis)."
     "Kakak! You saw?!"
     "Yar. Because he never close the door."
     "Oh hor!!!!!! Kakak see me kencing!! Ayo!!"

     And...... you can guess who ended up crying la ah.
     Classic case of 'The Pot calling The Kettle Black' and 'Shoot in front but kena backside'.

6. Write menu for the day.
     Kids will write what they would like to eat for the day and I will try my best to cook it on the same day.
     Still on-going and I would say, this is the highest achieved so far.
     Phew. Even the youngest two are enjoying their doodling and imaginary food. :)
     But no, I still have not accede to their request of McDonalds and Maggi Mee almost every day! 0_0
     Classic case of 'Test water onlyyyy'.

      :p :p :p

With all of that, I hope, the next two weeks before the new school term begins, the kids have learnt basic
household duties. This is also an effort taken so that, if Desi decides not to continue next December, I will not have to pull my hair so much. Or worse, cry everytime a child wakes up from her/his nap.Yes, it happens. If you have never felt that way then you're not normal. :p

Ok, serious time.

Earlier, I was actually feeling terrible that I'm not able to provide luxuries for my kids. Not even a short plane ride. I have to think of more important matters and their school fees for next year. I do cry at times, which I think is normal because I am a normal mom. As much as I am thankful for having a roof over our head, enough food on the table, laughter in the house, occasional shopping and trips to restaurants, I do still wish money would fall from the sky so that I can lavish my children with all they want.

And I'm thankful I chanced upon this quote earlier today, which inspired me to blog after so long.

"A child, like your stomach, doesn't need all you can afford to give it."~ Frank A. Clark

With all praises to God, Allah SWT, thank you for that sign.

Thank you for bringing them to me.

Classic case of 'I saw the sign'. Ace of Base? Hehehe.