lynn and i,
we've always had the same taste. we always have the same bag, wallet, purse, glasses, tops, jeans, (with diff sizes and of course, mine always has to be altered...hehe), bracelets, chains, rings, handphones and the list goes on. we went on a binge diet, eating ONLY apples, together, got ill together and started putting on weight together. we worked part time together, went home together and watched 'Felicity' together, over the phone. how i miss that show. we almost had the same permanent job when we graduated from NYP but she found something better and of course, i chose teaching over the other. lynn and i had shared many dark secrets with each other and till now, mine are safe with her, while hers, are still safe, with me.
i may not be talking to her everday, like i used to. in fact, we have not been calling each other up for a long time. we meet up on occasions and talked for hours over the phone when opportunities arise. marriage life has taken up a lot of our time. but still, lynn and i are thankful that even if it had been months since we contacted, there's still things to talk about. with lynn, i never felt awkward. the husbands get along very well and having mutual friends make it easier for them to talk.
i love lynn like i love my own sister. she was the first person to give me a hug, without saying anything when she heard of my misfortune. she cried with me and she was sorry she could not help.
that's all i need darling. your friendship, your love and of course, your prayers.
adik, has also been a darling. she advised me on many things. hee...wonder who's the big sister here huh? she still makes me feel pretty and loved. she knows when i have problems and she knows i love her company when i shop. there's so much to say about that little sister of mine. my only sister. yet, there's only so much for me to write in here. simply because, my love, my affection for her, my gratitude towards my little sister, is more than just words.
i love u so much, adik. and you know i don't want you to make the same mistakes i did in my life.
ok, so this entry is not supposed to be so sappy. hehe...my apologies.
so, the point is, hehe, i had a very, very good time with these two gorgeous ladies.
i am so blessed with much love. and many sisters to boot!
wah shopping bestnyer! You are so lucky to have wonderful frens ard you!