Yesterday, while driving to the hospital to visit nenek. Marsya sat in the front passenger seat.
Marsya: Mummy, my friend, she wears PE attire with tudung. (Rolling her eyes) Obit kan?!
Mummy: (Shocked to hear it but not surprised that Marsya said it.) And you called her obit for?!
Marsya: Ya lah, PE attire kan t-shirt je. Short sleeved. Then she wear tudung. So Kakak said "Awak obit lah."
Mummy: NO! You cannot be too honest like that! What if she feels hurt?
Marsya: No lah. Dia yang hurt kakak. She beat me after that.
Mummy: Did you cry?
Marsya: No. I laughed.
Mummy: Please do not call others obit anymore ok?
Marsya: Then you call me obit, can?
Mummy: (Pretended not to hear because really, my dear daughter can be real obit at times. Sigh...)
Marsya: And then right. (OMG my daughter is only 5 leh. NOT 15!!)
Mummy: Ahuh. (Step interested)
Marsya: She wear her tudung then the tali is here (pointing to the top of her head). So painful what!
Mummy: Maybe it's not painful to her?
Marsya: Oh. But so obit.
Mummy: (Oh God. Please keep me sane. This is ONLY the beginning.)
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