Wednesday, April 23, 2008

~Ryan Ilhan~

as mentioned in the previous entry, i am very fair. that's why i'm back today with Ryan. :)

Ryan Ilhan Bin Mohammad Harisman, born with a muscle deformity, his legs were bow-legged.

the doctors told me not to worry as it was only a muscle strain, started with the way he positioned himself in the wound.

then again, people who tell you not to worry are either those who have not been through anything like that or they're just being nice.

so, i chose to worry.

therapy after therapy, i was glad and confident that he had been progressing really well.

just a month before he turned 11 months, he was discharged from the therapy. however, we knew we should never take it by our stride should he ever not start walking.

2 weeks before his first birthday, he started taking very cautious steps and managed to move from one end of the (small) living room unassisted. :)

it was a good start.

in fact, with the way he had been walking and running and attempting to jump nowadays, it was actually hard to remember him as a boy who was bow-legged and being foreseen as reaching that milestone really late.

his cuteness simply overwhelms me. that is why, i disagree when people say that you'll never love your children like your first born.

i love ryan the way i love marysa. they're both 2 different individuals although the lil one would wanna try mimic the big sister most of the time. 

and though it's obvious that ryan takes a longer time than his sister to reach his developmental milestones (eg: marsya started talking at 10 months), i am proud to say that my baby boy is very clever. he hugs me when he sees me being 'bullied' by marsya. he will then 'scold' her and then tries to 'bully' me as well. hee.. cuteness i tell ya!

Ryan, he says 'bye' in the most gentle manner with that soft voice, you'll feel you do not want to be away from him.

Ryan, he waves to everyone and everything and gives flying kisses with a 'mmuua', you'll want to hug him soooo tight and never let go.

Ryan, he bites and the he hugs and then he bites again and hugs again, a repeated process which is making me crazy over him.

Ryan, he has learnt to dance to Inul's 'Dikocok-kocok' (i know! i know! :s ) and at the end of this line, "Ku tak mahu cintaku..dikocok-kocok" , he'll go, "AAAuu!"

aiyo....that last bit, is a freaking me out a lil.

whatever it is, i love my boy just like i love my girl. i love ryan like i love marsya.

and ryan, my baby boy, will always be my baby boy.



so, how can i not want 2 more?


  1. so touching sey!!
    i love ryan ilhan too!!
    who will not, u tell me?!!
    for his forever smiley face definitely melt anyone's heart...
    mmmuuuuaaaahhhh to Ryan.. Auuu!! hehehe

  2. yes.... ryan the playboy.....kalo dia senyum... mak lynn dia terus lembik.....
    ti mak lynn romos2 lagi bila jumpa!

  3. i'm not really sure what is bowed-legged but all I can see now he is such a healthy active baby... and as a mother you must be very happy with that I'm sure. He is such a cutie!

  4. ohhh handsome ryan!!!

    (a boy singing "dikocok-kocok"...tak appropriate langsung! :P)

    and darling, go make, lah! tunggu apa lagi???


  5. sri,
    memang tak nak tunggu2 lagi....tapi belum rezeki no 3 lah...heee...
    and, that kocok-kocok song, haiyahh....stressing me out k. rosak! rosak!

    thk u so much dear.. :) alhamdulillah, his legs turns out to be perfectly normal now. but dr did say, we still have to observe his legs as he grows. make sure the legs do not grow inwards.

    kak lynn,
    haha! playboy eh!! son the heartbreaker lah. heee!

    aaauuu!!! nanti pat labour ward, betul-betul punye auuu!! hahaha!

  6. Awwww... Ryan is a heartbreaker lah ok!!!

    Who can ever resist his sweet sweet cheeky smile!!

  7. Oh my, Ryan is such a charmer I tell you.
    He'll drive all girls, ladies, makciks, crazy with that smile of his...
    Yes, how can you not want two more when u have two of the loveliest children in your arms now... :)

    The more the merrier kyn!

  8. Yes! The more the merrier! Betol tu. Hehehehehe! Kwang kwang kwang!
