Wednesday, April 23, 2008

~Ryan Ilhan~

as mentioned in the previous entry, i am very fair. that's why i'm back today with Ryan. :)

Ryan Ilhan Bin Mohammad Harisman, born with a muscle deformity, his legs were bow-legged.

the doctors told me not to worry as it was only a muscle strain, started with the way he positioned himself in the wound.

then again, people who tell you not to worry are either those who have not been through anything like that or they're just being nice.

so, i chose to worry.

therapy after therapy, i was glad and confident that he had been progressing really well.

just a month before he turned 11 months, he was discharged from the therapy. however, we knew we should never take it by our stride should he ever not start walking.

2 weeks before his first birthday, he started taking very cautious steps and managed to move from one end of the (small) living room unassisted. :)

it was a good start.

in fact, with the way he had been walking and running and attempting to jump nowadays, it was actually hard to remember him as a boy who was bow-legged and being foreseen as reaching that milestone really late.

his cuteness simply overwhelms me. that is why, i disagree when people say that you'll never love your children like your first born.

i love ryan the way i love marysa. they're both 2 different individuals although the lil one would wanna try mimic the big sister most of the time. 

and though it's obvious that ryan takes a longer time than his sister to reach his developmental milestones (eg: marsya started talking at 10 months), i am proud to say that my baby boy is very clever. he hugs me when he sees me being 'bullied' by marsya. he will then 'scold' her and then tries to 'bully' me as well. hee.. cuteness i tell ya!

Ryan, he says 'bye' in the most gentle manner with that soft voice, you'll feel you do not want to be away from him.

Ryan, he waves to everyone and everything and gives flying kisses with a 'mmuua', you'll want to hug him soooo tight and never let go.

Ryan, he bites and the he hugs and then he bites again and hugs again, a repeated process which is making me crazy over him.

Ryan, he has learnt to dance to Inul's 'Dikocok-kocok' (i know! i know! :s ) and at the end of this line, "Ku tak mahu cintaku..dikocok-kocok" , he'll go, "AAAuu!"

aiyo....that last bit, is a freaking me out a lil.

whatever it is, i love my boy just like i love my girl. i love ryan like i love marsya.

and ryan, my baby boy, will always be my baby boy.



so, how can i not want 2 more?

Friday, April 18, 2008

~my morning~

it's my turn to call in sick.

sick of the mounting work and it's not surprising that everyone's dropping like flies. anyway, i think that youghurt i had yesterday afternoon had caused me to go to the loo several times last night, resulted in lack of sleep. i overslept and i am, at home. heh. by the way, i had a great ARNOLD"S dinner with great peeps here, in my living room last night. :P

anyway, bobo and i encountered a night with the-paranoid-possesive-friend. and all i can say is, darl,
even lovers can be unfaithful towards one another. it's not surprising if friends ditch you for 'better' friends. that just goes to show what your friendship is made of. we're all adults now, surely you know how to select your friends, wisely?

i admit, i have become selective of my friends.  i can be chatty and friendly but that doesn't mean anyone can be my friend. no no. i'm sure my friends know who they are. if they know me, they would. no questions about it.

bobo agrees with me and he is thankful that he is still close to his childhood playmates. though all are now married, most with kids, busy with career and other commitments, we (yes, even the wives and kids join in their gatherings..hee) still get to meet up occasionally, which explains the Vesak Day getaway which we are all waiting for.  :) now, those, i call real friends. i mean bobo and his gay guy mates. guys certainly do not text each other, "miss u leh...when to meet" or "love u sista!" or " long never meet leh...when when?" heeee.....ladies....familliar? occasional texts like "tonight bola?" or "sunday bola?" or "besok kau gi bola?" (note the 'bola-s') are what trigger our male counterparts to meet up with their buds,to you know to do and watch what.

so, that sums up the conversation with bobo on friends this morning. a 10-minute walk from our place to his parents'. upon reaching, marsya was still sleeping as if she's the one who had worked till late last night. ryan, wanting to go out of the house to play. bobo and i took our breakfast, he left for work and i was supposed to go to the dr but on the way there, felt like visiting the loo again, so i came home to 'settle' it. and little did i know, i have so much to blog about.

(wahhh.... clap clap...this has got to be the lengthiest entry so far ey..)

anyway, as i was walking home, i saw many young children walking, holding hands with their mom/ dad/ gramps/ gran/ maid etc. all were heading to the kindergarten/ playgroup at my parents-in-law's block.

i still can't believe it's marsya's turn to start next year. i still can't believe she'll turn 3 end of this year. i am so proud of that daughter of mine. the vocabulary she uses nowadays, her ability to capture word-for-word, her observance, her curiosity. i wonder if the teacher will have a hard time handling her, that cheeky monkey of mine. that kakak-kakak..who is in love with princess and fairies recently. the big sister who looks out for her lil bro but complains abt him when she can't get her way. :) that's my girl.


ok, which reminds me, i have to go to the dr now and take this mc opportunity to settle marsya's registration by today.

tomorrow, or maybe later, hehe, will be back for another entry, this time on ryan. :)

i am very fair you know. :)